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Found 14851 results for any of the keywords parkinson s uk. Time 0.008 seconds.
Information and support | Parkinson s UKParkinson s UK has information and support for everyone living with Parkinson s, whether newly diagnosed or if you re a carer of someone with Parkinson s.
Therapists Learning Library | Parkinson s UKThis collection of courses and resources aims to signpost therapists to learning opportunities. These are from both the Parkinson s UK Excellence Network and external providers.
Pharmacy professionals Learning Library | Parkinson s UKThis collection of courses and resources aims to signpost pharmacy professionals to learning opportunities. These are from both the Parkinson s UK Excellence Network and external providers.
Donate to Parkinson s UK | Parkinson s UKYour donations fund vital information and support as well as the most promising research to find new treatments and a cure. So we can be there for every Parkinson s journey.
Newly diagnosed with Parkinson s | Parkinson s UKIf you re newly diagnosed with Parkinson s, we re here to help, with support and information about everything from treatments to daily life with Parkinson s.
How does Parkinson s progress? | Parkinson s UKParkinson s affects everyone differently. The symptoms of Parkinson s usually begin slowly, and develop gradually and in no particular order.
Do I have Parkinson s? | Parkinson s UKIf you think you, or someone close to you, may have Parkinson s, this information looks at the main symptoms and the next steps for you to take.
Types of Parkinson s | Parkinson s UKParkinsonism is an umbrella term used to cover a range of conditions that share similar symptoms to Parkinson s.
What causes Parkinson s? | Parkinson s UKWe don’t know why people get Parkinson s, but researchers suspect genetic and environmental factors cause dopamine-producing nerve cells to stop working.
What is Parkinson s? | Parkinson s UKParkinson s is a progressive neurological condition. This means that it causes problems in the brain and gets worse over time.
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